10 Snack Ideas for Diabetics

Snacks can be a hard-to-resist temptation but also an important food to keep nearby for diabetics. This paradox can lead to unhealthy snacking and trouble managing blood sugar. This article will list 10 snacks for diabetics that are healthy, convenient, and diabetic-friendly.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Snacks for Diabetics

Cheese Tray Ideas

Some people think of snacks as something you buy in a box/jar from the grocery store and some people think of snacks as a bunch of small things you cook! So, to appease our diverse readership we're going to list our top 5 favorites from each category.

Top 5 Snacks for Diabetics - "Grab-and-Go!"

Nuts - nuts are convenient, diverse, and loaded with nutrients. In large quantities their carb content can become a worry but if eaten as a snack by someone who is already counting their carbs and calories, we've found nuts to be the most satisfying of all. Beef/Turkey Jerky - loaded with salt and often preservatives, jerky isn't something you should eat regularly or a lot of. However, as a treat jerky is an excellent snack for diabetics. This is a snack that can be enjoyed once or twice per week without worry, just be sure to check the nutrition info for hidden sugars or other unhealthy additives! Atkins/Generic Low-Carb Granola Bars - Name brand low-carb bars can be expensive but are often worth it. The serving size is adequate to tame most cravings and you also get peace-of-mind knowing that the ingredients and nutritional information are accurate and disclosed entirely. In recent years these bars have come a long, long, LONG way in tasting better. The faux-chocolate Atkins granola bars are our favorites in this category. Cheese String Sticks - We realize these are often considered children snacks but don't knock it 'til you've tried it! If you buy a good brand like Kraft, cheese string sticks can be very delicious! They come in a variety of "flavors" like cheddar, mozzarella, marble, and even parmesan. Yogurt - Sugar-free yogurt is easy to find in grocery stores can easily satisfy a craving for sweets or desserts. Artificial flavorings have come a long way and the variety of flavors available is a definite reflection of this. If you've never liked yogurt before I'd urge you to buy a good brand name and give it another try. Snacks for diabetics in the dessert area can be hard to find but sugar-free yogurt is definitely one of the few worth keeping around.

Honorable mention - Sugar-free cookies. More and more cookie-makers are coming out with lines of sugar-free cookies made with Splenda or other sugar substitutes. Check out your grocery store's cookie aisle and you might be surprised what you find!

Top 5 Snacks for Diabetics - "Cook it or Prepare it Myself!"

Veggies and Dip - A favorite amongst diabetics and non-diabetics alike. The only difference is that a diabetic's veggie tray will have much less starchy vegetables. Celery, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cucumber, and Mushrooms are what you should be using here. Low-sugar dips vary widely, just find the salad dressing area of your grocery store and grab your favorite flavor! Ranch is an especially easy one to find in a low-sugar variation. Meat Trays - The meat equivalent of a veggie tray, meat trays can be bought in any deli for reasonable prices and they save you all the hassle of shopping for the meats and slicing them all up. You'll often be able to find combination trays that have meats, cheeses, and pickles all in one. Whole Grain Crackers with Cheese or Peanut Butter - Combining something crunchy with something smooth tricks your brain into thinking you're eating more than you really are. Crackers make a great base for just about any snack, just keep an eye on those carbs! Frozen Grapes and Bananas - Combine grapes and slices of banana in a plastic container or bag and throw them in the freezer for a few hours. You'd be surprised how refreshing frozen grapes can be, especially in the summer during those heat waves! This isn't just a snack for diabetics as you'll find out when you notice your family members enjoying your grapes just as much as you are. Whole Grain Nachos with Salsa - Throw in some melted cheese and you've got a delicacy! For bonus points you can make the salsa yourself and focus on diabetic-friendly ingredients. Every carb you save in the salsa lets you eat that many more nachos; win-win situation! This one is great for entertaining guests or during the holidays since it is a snack that is universally enjoyed by everyone.

Honorable mention - Sushi. There's a bit of a learning curve in preparing it but it's worth it! Totally customizable in terms of ingredients and loaded in nutrients. Give sushi a try.

Snacks for diabetics is something that newly-diagnosed Diabetes patients often struggle with. The reality is that diabetics can eat anything.... in moderation. The real trick is in finding snacks that can be consumed regularly and in decent amounts. While it's true that the most convenient snacks are often laden with carbs and added sugar, the food industry is slowly becoming health-conscious which is a win for diabetics. Low-sugar variations of just about anything can be found in grocery stores today so get out there and look around.

Our lists above are a great starting point but for more information, consult our website. Happy snacking!

10 Snack Ideas for Diabetics
Cheese Tray Ideas

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