Green Christmas - Tips For a Frugal and Environmentally-Friendly Holiday Season

Here are many tips and ideas for saving money and encouraging environmental friendliness.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Gift Giving

Cheese Tray Ideas

1. Get a notebook. Keep a small notebook with you wherever you go. Use it to keep a list of gift ideas for people. When you get ready to shop, look at the notebook and plan your trips based on where you can get the most items. Cross off items when you get them, and pencil in those items you purchased for people when you are out, so you don't "over-buy" for people.

2. New and Old and Homemade. Think about giving each person a small new item, something homemade, and something gently used. Our society is focused on the "buy it new, use it once and throw it out" mentality, and this will encourage thoughtful gift giving of new and used items.

3. Sources of Used Items. Check into consignment stores, Craigslist, thrift stores, eBay and freecycle. For used books, try local used book stores and Check out to trade your books for other people's books - you only pay postage. Most bookworms do not care if a book was previously used. Using this method you can get your reader a ton of books for the price of one or two new paperbacks, maybe even entire collections by their favorite authors.

4. Homemade Items. If you are crafty, make crafts. If you photograph, make an album or frame some prints or make mugs, puzzles or other items from sites like Winklflash. If you sew, consider making cloth shopping bags or gift bags out of extra fabric or old clothing. If you are handy around the house, give some certificates for your skill (carpentry, computers, you name it). If you cook, make some preserves, can some applesauce, make up cookie mixes, cookies, popcorn balls, snack mix or other snacks. If you hunt, make some jerky or sausage. If you brew, make some nice 6-packs or wine bottles with neat labels. Everyone has skills...turn them into gifts! If you are younger, make up and give coupons for free babysitting, snow removal, lawn mowing or household "work hours".

5. Green Gifts. Buy gardening supplies and seeds and a gift card to the garden center. Purchase compact fluorescent (CF) bulbs and help install them. Get them a programmable thermostat. An electric blanket keeps your loved ones toasty and lets them set back that thermostat at night. Buy an energy audit for someone. Smart power strips are great at stemming the "phantom power" from things like chargers and computer peripherals. Buy someone a bicycle, new or used, if they could and would commute with it.

6. Gifts to Support Frugality. Get them a subscription to Dave Ramsey's My Total Money Makeover or tickets to one of his shows. During holidays (Thanksgiving), Dave sells his bestselling books on sale. Buy some cookbooks for someone who eats out a lot and wants to save money. Give them cooking lessons or coupons for you to teach them cooking. Get them some new or used books on financial management or self-improvement. Book suggestions would be "The Total Money Makeover", "The Millionare Next Door", and "The Complete Tightwad Gazette". Buy board games, outdoor gear/toys, playing cards and a Hoyle card rules book and teach them the old "real" poker.

7. Saving on Wrap. .3 Jillion dollars are spent each year on wrap and tags, all of which get thrown out. Recycle paper bags and Sunday comics for wrapping, or make up cloth gift bags of various sizes from scraps or "buy the pound" clothing from yard or thrift sales. These bags can double as shopping bags and cleaning rags in a pinch. Purchase the reusable shopping bags and put your gifts in them. Pay a kid a nickel apiece to make cute tags from construction paper and some stamps. Save a few large cardboard boxes from shipments or purchases and fill with crumpled newspaper or those annoying peanuts, then bury a small gift inside. Someone can use the large box to tote their loot home or recycle it.


Holiday Season sees many parties and guests stopping in. Here are some ideas to keep the fun going without spending a ton of money.

1. Bring a Dish. When you have a party, ask everyone to bring a dish. Also ask them to carpool with others to save on gas and make parking easier. Give a special gift to the carpool driver / designated driver.

2. Budget Booze. If you are going to serve alcohol, the larger containers are typically more affordable per unit, as long as you don't have any spoilage. Some box and jug wines are great for parties. Strongly flavored beverages may discourage over-imbibing. Have a pot of mulled (spiced) cider on the stove to both sweeten the air and give people something interesting and non-alcoholic to drink.

3. Say Cheese. You can get a boatload of snack crackers pretty reasonable at the warehouse stores. Ditto for cheese spreads and large blocks of cheese. These are always good and low-cost snacks to bring or serve. Make up your own veggie and shrimp trays to save some cash.

4. Cookie Party! Invite some friends for a whole-day cookie party. If you all go in on the ingredients, you can get the larger sizes and save on the cost. You can also split the expensive ingredients like nuts and candied fruits. You can make jarred mixes (cookie, coffee/drinks, etc.) at the same time. Pick up some funky tins whenever you see them, and you have some real homemade gifts.

5. Watch the Costly Items. Meats, seafood, produce, dairy and nuts tend to be expensive when entertaining. I don't suggest you serve just bread, but plan your menu around less expensive meats and produce and you can save a lot while still entertaining in style. For example, save some chicken from your chicken dinner and make a buffalo chicken dip.

6. Keep the Freezer and Pantry Stocked. You never know when people will drop in, or you will run out of time to cook. Keeping frozen snacks and appetizers available, and bags of chips, salsa and cheese dip available means you always have a snack for that unexpected guest or when the family can't make a dinner.

Home Life

Holidays are stressful times. Here are some ideas to save money, be green, and lay a good foundation for the coming year.

1. Plan and precook. Take one day during the Thanksgiving holiday and block a couple hours to map out your next month - what foods you want to make ahead, when you want to shop, what "milestones" you want to meet, such as making the post office by December 5th. Print out this roadmap and post it on your fridge. Every Sunday afternoon, clean up the list and make an action plan for that week.

2. Reuse and Trade. When you take your decorations out, separate those out that you don't use any longer. Any kids who have moved out may really like those as a gift.

3. Dim the Lights. If you set up outdoor lights, put them on a timer and/or cut back on the number of lights. This will save on electricity. Put your tree lights on a timer as well.

4. Eat First. When going out shopping, eat at home first. You'll be more settled and won't be encouraged to eat at a restaurant.

5. Extra Cash. As you clean up before the holidays, make a pile of stuff you don't really need or use. Take them to consignment, sell in the classifieds or Craigslist or eBay. Take a seasonal part-time job to help cover the extra costs. Or, donate to a mission or thrift shop and save the documentation for taxes. Sometimes the mental clean out that accompanies cleaning up is more valuable than the cash.

6. Green Tree. Get a plantable tree. Yes it will cost more but if you have a place in your yard, or can find someone else who will buy it and plant it after the holidays, it will be twice-green!

7. Family Gift Cards. For older children, they may appreciate gift cards to popular clothing stores and department stores for games and similar items. If you all wait until that dreary week after Christmas, you can all find great deals and have a wonderful post-Christmas shopping spree. This helps to boost sagging spirits. Combine with some restaurant gift cards you may have received and you can have a nice day out and save some good money.

8. Schedule Game Nights. Rekindle old friendships by scheduling play nights with family and friends. This will strengthen the family and friendship bonds, provide inexpensive and fun events to look forward to, and give structure, hope and purpose to the first quarter of the year, which is often the most financially and emotionally stressful times of the year. Make it a point to not spend a lot of time or money on these events - the goal is to have fun without spending a ton of money!

9. Plan for Next Year. The week between Christmas and New Year is a good time to reflect on the last year and make some goals for the coming year. Spend some time on savings blogs such as Simple Dollar to get even more ideas on frugality and environmental awareness. Take a blank sheet and list 10 things you'd like to do in the coming year. Think of these categories: Personal, Financial, Family, Environmental, Faith, Career, Fitness, Education/Development.

The key to making these tips work for you is a plan! Get that notebook and get started!

Green Christmas - Tips For a Frugal and Environmentally-Friendly Holiday Season
Cheese Tray Ideas

Dolls & Accessories

Wine Gift Baskets - The All Occasion Gourmet Gift

If you have a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion that requires the giving of a gift then consider a wine gift basket. They can provide elegant gifts for wine lovers and can include additional products besides wine. They can also include such goodies as cheese, chocolates, fruit, nuts and wine accessories like corkscrews and bottle openers, drip stoppers, foil cutters or whatever else you decide to add to the basket. You can buy them already assembled or you can make your own for a very special gift-giving touch. All you need to know is the type of wine the recipient enjoys, or you can create a surprise basket.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Buying Prepared Baskets

Cheese Tray Ideas

If you'd rather buy a wine gift basket pre packaged, stop into your local liquor store to see if they have a selection available. Liquor stores will often sell gift baskets, especially during the holiday season. You should be able to choose which wine you'd like to include in the basket and then add accompanying products.

Shop Online

The internet is a great place to order customizable gift baskets. You can start by ordering one or more bottles of wine of your choice, then begin adding complementary products from the wide range available. Complementary products could include smoked salmon and caviar, savory crackers or cheese crackers, soft or hard cheeses, cheese knives, nuts, exclusive mustards or honey ... the sky's the limit in what you can add to them.

The online company will then deliver the packaged gift basket to you or directly to the gift recipient. This is a very easy option if you are searching for a corporate gift or as a thank-you to a staff member.

Make Your Own Gift Baskets

Making your own wine gift basket gives allows you to add that extra personal touch. Start by buying an attractive basket. Even a simple and inexpensive basket will do because you can then decorate it with silk flowers or colored tissue paper. Buy your wine of choice or choose champagne for a special celebration, add some additional products depending on the preferences of the gift recipient. For example, you don't need to limit your basket to wine and wine-themed gifts. You could include handicrafts for someone interested in arts and crafts, or a book about wine for a wine lover who is also interested in the history or the making of wine. Select some gourmet food products to accompany the wine, tuck everything into the decorated basket and wrap the whole thing in clear cellophane.

If possible, personally deliver the gift basket to the recipient so you can see the joy when they receive it. If .you're very lucky they might even share the bottle of wine with you.

For non-wine drinkers you can still assemble some stunning gift baskets. For a coffee drinker you could try a coffee-themed gift basket that could include coffee mugs, freshly roasted coffee beans from different coffee-growing regions of the world, gourmet cookies, toffees and, nuts. A tea drinker would appreciate a selection of teas from different regions, a teapot and strainer and a fine china teacup. A tea or coffee gift basket could, in fact, be packed onto a decorated tray rather that a basket. Again, wrap the whole package in clear cellaphane and add a ribbon.

The ideas for gourmet gift baskets are only limited by your imagination.

Wine Gift Baskets - The All Occasion Gourmet Gift
Cheese Tray Ideas


Cooking Light Recipes - 2 Easy Quick and Healthy Recipes For Your Dinner

If you already had a full meal for lunch, you most likely don't feel like something so filling again for supper. If you want to eat healthy and balanced, then it's a great idea to choose something light for dinner, especially if your lunch had quite some calories today. And seeing that you already cooked, you definitely don't want to stand behind the stove again, so it should be an easy non-cooking recipe.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Here are 2 easy quick dinner recipes which are light and healthy. Both of them make four servings.
Mixed salad with whole grain rolls Noodle and mushroom soup
Light dinner recipe #1: Mixed salad with whole grain rolls

Cheese Tray Ideas

1 medium lettuce 2 red and 2 yellow peppers, sliced 250 g fresh mushrooms, sliced 200 g feta cheese, cut into small cubes

4 tbsp. olive oil 2 tbsp. lemon juice ¼ tsp. salt 1 pinch freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp. thyme 4 whole grain rolls

Wash the salad, tear it into pieces and drain it. Then mix it with the other ingredients. For the dressing, simply mix all ingredients well, pour over the salad and mix thoroughly. Serve with the rolls. This recipe won't take you more than half an hour, and it doesn't require any cooking.

Light dinner recipe #2: Hawaiian Toast

8 slices of brown toast low-fat margarine 8 slices lean ham 1 large can pineapple rings or peach halves (should contain 8 rings or halves) 8 slices low-fat cheese yellow curry powder

Preheat the oven on maximum temperature. Spread the margarine on the toast and place it on a baking tray covered with baking paper. First put a slice of ham on each toast, then a pineapple ring and a slice of cheese. Grill the toast for approximately 5 minutes until the cheese has melted and slightly browned. Sprinkle a bit of curry on and serve. Done within half an hour, too.

Now, enjoy your light dinner and come up with more ideas yourself. You can put anything into your salad, be it vegetables that can be eaten raw or fruit, or both. Just choose foods that go quick to prepare. You can also adapt the toast. Maybe you prefer the grilled chicken stripes that you got in your fridge from yesterday's lunch with tomato to ham and fruit. Many light soups are also very quick and easy to make if you use canned veggies and leftover rice or soup noodles.

Cooking Light Recipes - 2 Easy Quick and Healthy Recipes For Your Dinner
Cheese Tray Ideas

Lightest Weight Stroller

Ben 10 Party Planning Ideas

Decorations: Use the Ben 10 licensed party supplies and decorations. For cost savings substitute and add a lot of lime green and black decorations like tablecovers, streamers and helium filled balloons. Make a Ben 10 character wall. Download images of the Ben 10 aliens and enlarge them as much as possible. Type out each alien's bio - their strengths and weaknesses etc. Choose a focal wall and display your aliens. This will be quite a conversation piece and will definitely add to the Ben 10 decor.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Crafts/Activities: Everyone knows that Ben's Omnitrix watch was found at an alien crash site. So why not have your guests build an alien spacecraft. Divide the guests into groups of 3 or 4 and provide them with a table space filled with tinfoil plates, string, toilet paper rolls, construction paper, clay, pipe cleaners, scissors and glue. Put 15 minutes on the clock. Have creative titles to award each creation like 'The Wackiest' or 'The Most Realistic.' That way everyone's a winner! "The Alien in the Lineup" - Download pictures of Ben 10 Aliens and keep them hidden from the kids until game time. Break the kids up into different groups of 3 or 4. Give each group a pencil and paper and have them write down every detail they remember about the alien's appearance. Allow them 1 minute to examine the picture and 3 minutes to write down the details down. Show the picture of the alien again and see which group came up withe the most accurate details. The group with the best description wins that round.

Cheese Tray Ideas

Games: "Four arms Relay" - You will need two very large, oversized T-shirts -one for each team to wear. On each T-shirt, cut two additional holes just beneath the real arm holes. Children will need to pair up for this event. Both children fit into one T-shirt, with heads through the neck (cut away a portion of the neck if necessary to make this possible.) Have one child extend his arms through the real sleeves, while the second child makes use of the arm holes you've cut. Now each T-shirt has four arms. Do an old fashioned spoon race. Give each pair a spoon with an asteroid rock (small balloon, ping pong etc) perched on top of the spoon and have them walk from one end the room to the other without dropping. If they drop, they must pick up the object and start again. Have each team go one at a time to avoid collisions and time it with a stopwatch. The best time wins. Have your camera ready because this is going to be Hilarious! Jello Eating Contest - Of course you will call it an Alien Slime eating contest! Make the gloppiest, grossest green jello filled with raisins and have the kids race to eat their bowl up first. The twist is to have them blindfolded with their hands behind their backs! Don't tell them whats on the Menu - just tell them its alien slime! Ben 10 meets Fear Factor! The winner of this contest should really win a prize! They earned it!

Loot Bags: The possibilities are endless here. You can use a few Ben 10 licensed party favors and then throw in some space or alien related items. Pretty much anything that glows, looks alienish or is gooey! Use glow sticks and necklaces, super bounce balls, pop rocks candy, martian matter slime, green play dough, plastic glow in the dark stars, green licorice string and silly putty eggs. Hit up your local dollar store and have some fun!

Menu: Extraterrestrial Tacos. Tacos with a twist! Have an array of soft tacos, hard tacos, beef or chicken, lettuce, tomato and cheese available for the hungry little monsters to build their own tacos. The twist? Add a few bowls of 'Out of this World' taco ingredients like gummy worms and green candy sprinkles! If your child is not a fan of tacos, what about Paranormal Pizzas. The same idea - have all the regular ingredients like sauce, cheese and pepperoni. Also have a few "extras" available to make their very own 'Out of this World' pizza! The drink can be "Alien Juice" which is simply green KoolAid with black ice cubes. Dye your water black with food colouring and freeze in trays overnight. Another neat drink is "Martian Milkshakes" which are simply vanilla milkshakes dyes green with a little food colouring. The cake can be made with bright green icing and some Ben 10 figures. Another option is a round cake decorated to look like the face of the Omnitrix watch. With some coloured icing and an icing pipe, this can be done quite easily! If I can do it, anyone can! Go for it!

Ben 10 Party Planning Ideas
Cheese Tray Ideas

Special Price!!! Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 24"W x 16"H

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 24
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Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 24

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Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 24"W x 16"H Feature

  • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
  • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
  • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
  • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
  • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 24"W x 16"H Overview

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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  • Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H

    Special Price!!! Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24
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    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24

    >> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H <<

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24

    Limited Offer Today!! Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Salad Bar - 24"W x 16"H Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

  • Easy Thanksgiving Party Snacks

    Depending on what type of Thanksgiving Party you are hosting, snacks can be elaborate or simple fare. If you are having your party catered, then you will have all sorts of fancy hors d'oeuvres to choose from. However, if you are planning on making all the food yourself, here are a few simple snacks to make your party preparations a little easier.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Vegetable Tray: Since most of us seem to be watching our waistlines these days, having a simple vegetable tray is a great addition to all the other high calorie items you might serve. Also, it is veggie friendly for your vegetarian and vegan friends who may attend. Use a large platter and fill it up with cut up carrots, celery, colored bell peppers (red, green, orange, yellow), cherry tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli and cauliflower. If you want to get a little fancier you can add mushrooms and pea pods.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    If you want to add a dip there are plenty of great recipes around but my favorite is very simple to make. Mix together in a bowl; 2 cups of yogurt, 1 package of frozen chopped spinach that has been thawed, about 1/4 cup of minced onion and 1 package of Lipton Vegetable Soup Mix. Combine and refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Fruit Tray: This is a great alternate to all the calorie laden desserts that are popular around Thanksgiving. As well your vegetarian friends will thank you. Simply slice up apples, pears, peaches, plums and oranges. For more of an exotic flavor add sliced papaya, kiwi and mango. If you don't want your apples to go brown, simply brush them with a little lemon juice.

    If you want to get a little fancy with your fruit tray you call always serve a chocolate fondue along side. There are plenty of recipes on the internet or use your own.

    Cheese and Meat Platter: Perhaps a little more expensive but certainly and old favorite. Besides popular cheese such as Gouda and cheddar try a mild blue cheese or creamy brie. You can also add various meats such as cold cuts, ham, beef and turkey. Add some pickles and olives along with your favorite crackers and you have a great snack.

    Snacks: Don't forget the old stand-bys: chips, pretzels and peanuts. Have several bowls of these popular snacks on end tables for people to help themselves. They are also a favorite with kids.

    To make your snacks look like you sent hours preparing them, put them on pretty plates or platters and decorate them with lettuce, parsley or flowers. Also remember to put out toothpicks and napkins or small plates for everyone to use.

    Easy Thanksgiving Party Snacks
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24
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    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24

    >> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24"W x 16"H <<

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24"W x 16"H Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24"W x 16"H Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

    SAVE NOW on the special offers below!

    Available In Stock.

    This Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24"W x 16"H ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

    Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24

    Limited Offer Today!! Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 24"W x 16"H Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

  • Heart Healthy Pizza Recipe That Actually Reduces Cholesterol

    Everybody loves Pizza worldwide right? The delicious savory smell of the cheese and the tomatoes and all the other toppings and herbs. If you're not already heading off towards the direction of the refrigerator, stick around and listen up for a moment. The problem is that most Pizzas have a relatively high saturated fat content - and that's bad news if you are trying to look after your heart health, or you are battling against high blood LDL Cholesterol levels.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    The British Heart Foundation recommends a total daily fat intake of 95 grams for men and 70 grams for women. If you eat a half of a typical stuffed crust 14 inch pepperoni Pizza you will consume approximately 75 grams of fat. So you could regularly way exceed your daily fat limit with the additional dietary fat intake from other foods during the rest of the day. If you have been told to avoid cheese you may despair as you suffer that craving for your favourite food - Pizza!

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    What if there was a type of Pizza that was not only friendly to your heart health, but actually REDUCED your Cholesterol level, the more you ate (within reason). Sounds too good to be true? Well the good news for pizza lovers everywhere is that it is now possible. Unbelievable - a heart healthy Pizza packed with healthy ingredients that is kind to your heart and health.

    A new type of Cholesterol lowering cheese.

    The breakthrough came with the introduction of a new type of cheese, which has all the flavour of a mature cheddar, but can be used as a topping for Pizza or Lasagna. In the United Kingdom this product is known as miniCol. This is a healthy alternative to 'normal' cheese and is perfectly safe to eat or cook with, for people with concerns about cholesterol levels.

    The difference between traditional cheddar and miniCol is that miniCol is made from milk, which has had virtually all of its dairy fat removed and replaced with wheatgerm oil, which is high in polyunsaturated fat and plant sterols. Most plants contain Sterols which are natural substances found as component parts of certain vegetable oils. Plant sterols are effective in lowering cholesterol by blocking the absorption of cholesterol from the diet, and also by stopping the re-absorption of cholesterol produced by the liver. Studies have shown that miniCol is proven to be capable of reducing blood cholesterol levels.

    You can find out motre information about miniCol here:

    Pizza Margherita Recipe (enhanced)

    This recipe is for a basic 14 inch Pizza Margherita, but you can easily add further healthy toppings such as tuna, chicken or extra lean beef (raw meat to be marinated and precooked). Because you make it yourself you know and control what goes into it. The manufacturers recommended daily amount of miniCol Cheese is 65 grams per person, so the recipe contains 130 grams - enough for 2 servings.

    You have two choices for the base - you can either make your own using one of the excellent home bread making machines now available, or buy a pre-made pizza base from the grocery store.

    Pizza Ingredients

    Dough (enough for 2 Pizzas)

    Water - 1 cup Strong Bread Making Flour - 3 Cups Dried Milk Powder - 2 Tablespoons Sugar - 2 Teaspoons Low Sodium Salt Substitute - 1 Teaspoon Yeast - 2 ½ Teaspoons

    All you need to do to make the dough is to throw all these ingredients into the breadmaker and hit the 'pizza dough' button. An hour or so later you will have a ball of dough ready to roll into a pizza base.

    Rest of Pizza

    Tomato Paste Tube 4 cloves of garlic - finely chopped 1 Teaspoon of Ground Black Pepper Mixed Herbs - 2 Tablespoons 1 Onion - chopped 2 tomatoes- sliced 1 onion - sliced 1 Green Capsicum - sliced Olive Oil 130 grams of 'miniCol' cheese - grated
    Assembling and cooking the Pizza

    Cut the dough ball into 2 halves. You can freeze one half for another time. Spread some flour onto the worktop and coat the dough Use a rolling pin and roll out the dough to the size of the Pizza cooking tray Spread a small amount of Olive Oil onto the pizza baking tray and rub around with some kitchen towel (this will stop the base from sticking) Place the pizza base onto the baking tray Spread Tomato paste from the tube evenly around the pizza base Sprinkle the freshly chopped garlic evenly into the tomato paste Assemble the tomato, onion and capsicum slices evenly around the pizza base Sprinkle the black pepper over the ingredients Spread the grated cheese over the top of the ingredients Sprinkle the mixed herbs onto the top of the cheese - done

    The completed Pizza should be baked in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 10 minutes and served with fresh salad and a glass of red wine.

    Heart Healthy Pizza Recipe That Actually Reduces Cholesterol
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Baby Shower Food Ideas

    A successful baby shower starts with the right food!

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    One of the main parts of planning a successful baby shower is serving food that is tasty and convenient to eat. You can have the food catered or order deli trays from your local supermarket. or if you like to cook and have the time you can plan to prepare the food yourself. We have put together a list of several food ideas to serve at your baby shower that are easy to prepare as well as tasty and easy to eat.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    What type of baby shower you are planning and where will it be held? If it is a casual party at someone's home then plan to serve food that is easy to handle and not too messy. If the guests will have to hold their plates in their laps then you do not want to serve food that is too messy to eat. If there will be tables set up for the guests to sit at then you can be a little more adventurous with the food.

    Chips & Dip - choose from tortilla chips with salsa, guacamole, bean dip, and sour cream or a variety of potato chips with onion dip and ranch dip.

    Spinach Dip - serve with raw vegetables, crackers, toast rounds, and/or pita triangles.

    Spinach Artichoke Dip - add 1-14 oz. can of artichokes (drained & chopped) to the spinach dip.

    Seafood Spinach Dip - add ½ cup crab meat (the imitation seafood legs work well too, make sure to shred them before adding to mixture). You can use either the spinach or artichokes or you can omit both.

    Hummus with pita chips, toast rounds, celery and carrot sticks.

    Pita Chips - you could buy pre-made pita chips but it is so easy to make them and they taste 10 times better. You can make them a couple of days before the baby shower and store them in an airtight container. There are tons of seasoning varieties you could use, let your imagination go wild!

    Toast Rounds - Get a couple of loaves of crusty bread such as Italian and slice into ¼ inch slices (baguettes work really well because they are the perfect diameter). Brush with olive oil or melted butter. You can season the oil or butter with a little bit of garlic and/or kosher salt or whatever seasonings you want to use. Bake, cool, and store as above for pita chips.

    Vegetable, Cheese, and Fruit Platters:

    You can order these from your local deli but they are so easy to make and can be simple or elegant depending on how you arrange the vegetables and what you use for the tray. You can use decorative glass platters, bamboo wood cutting boards, and tiles. Floor tiles make beautiful display trays for platters and they are inexpensive. Your local hardware or floor store will have a great selection of tiles to choose from. Black marble, white tiles, or any decorative tile will work. Buy the 8x8 or 12x12 size, depending on how big your platters will be.

    Vegetable Platters - buy a variety of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, celery, cherry tomatoes, button mushrooms, etc. Wash vegetables and cut into bite-size pieces. You can line the tray with large romaine lettuce leaves making sure to leave some edges of the tray showing. Arrange vegetables on tray in a cascading style starting with a large base of vegetables and working your way up like a pyramid. You can also place a bowl of vegetable dip in the center of the tray and arrange the vegetables around it. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve. This can be made a day in advance. Serve with ranch dressing, green goddess dip, onion dip, etc.

    Cheese Platters - buy a variety of cheeses such as cheddar, Colby, Swiss, havarti, gouda, etc. Cut into bite-size pieces and arrange as above on decorative trays. You can get really creative with this and cut the cheese into different shapes such as squares, triangles, etc. or use mini cookie cutter shapes. If you can find baby related cookie cutters that's even better. Serve with a variety of crackers and toast rounds.

    Fruit Platters - Buy a variety of fruits such as melons, berries, grapes, oranges, kiwi, etc. (don't use apples or bananas since they do not hold up well). Cut into chunks, slices, and/or decorative shapes and arrange as above. Serve alone or with a refreshing yogurt fruit dip.

    Salads - chicken or turkey salad, tuna salad, and/or egg salad can be served on a decorative tray lined with lettuce leaves and served with crackers, toast rounds, pita bread, and/or small rolls. Make sure to place these salads on ice or serve in small portions and refill as necessary. Pasta salads and antipasto salads are other tasty and easy dishes to prepare.

    Appetizers -

    Stuffed Mushrooms
    Deviled Eggs
    Spinach & Feta Triangles
    Pigs in a Blanket
    Cocktail Meatballs
    Chicken Fingers

    Wraps & Finger Sandwiches -

    Make a variety of wraps and sandwiches or make a cold cut and cheese platter with small rolls, breads, and condiments on the side.

    Hopefully these ideas will help you throw a successful baby shower with food that is not only tasty but convenient for your guests to eat. Your guests as well as the guest of honor will be so impressed by the effort you made to make her baby shower a tasty experience!

    Baby Shower Food Ideas
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Creating the Perfect Fruit Tray With Dip Recipes

    Creating the perfect fruit tray is really easy. All you need is a round serving platter, a dip container and some fruit serving tongs.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    When preparing your serving platter, make sure its clean and dry. I like to line my serving platter with some fresh lettuce leaves so that it looks presentable.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Your next step will be to wash all of your fresh fruits and pat them dry.

    Whole Fruits: Strawberries, Blueberries, Red Grapes, Green Grapes and Cherries.
    Sliced Fruits: Bananas, Pineapple, Kiwi, Red and Yellow Apples, Cantaloupe, Honeydew and Watermelon
    Tip: soak banana and apple slices in a little lemon or pineapple juice for 3-5 minutes to prevent them from browning.

    You will want to lay your fruits onto your serving platter in sections, leaving the center area open for the dip container. Try to keep fruit juice to a minimum.

    For Garnishing, I like to use bright red cherries.

    Keep your fruit tray covered and chilled until serving time. The above list of fruits is just to give you an idea of what you can use on your tray, you don't have to use all of them.

    Here are some great dip recipes to make and use with your fruit tray.

    Marshmallow Cream Cheese Dip

    8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
    7 oz. marshmallow creme

    Blend together both ingredients in a small bowl. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

    Strawberry Dip

    8 oz. cream cheese, softened
    1 jar of marshmallow creme
    2 Tsp. strawberry juice (optional)

    Whip cream cheese; add in strawberry juice and marshmallow creme. Beat until smooth. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

    Maple Dip

    1 pkg. (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
    1/2 c. sour cream
    1/4 c. sugar
    1/4 c. brown sugar, packed
    1-2 tbsp. maple syrup

    In a small mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, sour cream, sugars and syrup; beat until smooth. Chill for 2 hours before serving.

    Creating the Perfect Fruit Tray With Dip Recipes
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Buying, Storing and Serving Gourmet Cheese

    Gourmet cheese comes in a large variety with well over 400 varieties just from the French cheese alone. From the mild to the strong, the soft to the hard, cheese is a great way to compliment any meal or snack.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Whether you are having a fancy wine and cheese party, or just enjoying a slice of cheese with an apple for a snack, your gourmet cheese will taste a lot better if you learn how to purchase, store and serve it properly.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Buying Cheese

    When buying gourmet cheese, you want to shop at a place that has a large selection and knows about cheese. That way you'll be able to ask for recommendations if you want some special cheese to go with a certain type of wine or special meal. You can find a good selection of cheese in a specialty market or gourmet grocery store. Buy only what will be consumed with in a few days. Flavors and aroma of fine cheeses change over time in a home refrigerator.

    When picking out your cheese make sure that it presents the characteristics of that particular style. The interior should not have cracks, mold or discoloration in any form. If you are buying a natural rind cheese make sure it has a rustic appearance. Note that it is normal for Blue and Roquefort style cheese to have some mold and cracks.

    Storing Cheese

    You should not store the cheese in the package that it comes in. This packaging is meant for transportation only. The best thing to store your cheese in is waxed paper as you must let air and moisture in. Air and moisture are integral to keeping the cheese in the best possible condition.

    Serving Cheese

    When you serve cheese at a party, limit yourself to 4 or 5 types of cheese. You should select cheeses that have a variety of shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. Mix some soft cheese with the hard cheeses. I think cheese looks nice served on a nice wooden tray. Don't mash the cheese in together, make sure each one has enough room without having the tray look empty. If the cheeses served have strong distinctive flavors use separate trays and serving utensils. Mild flavors will pick up aromas and tastes from stronger flavored cheese.

    We all know that cheese goes great with crackers, but you can also serve it with fruits like grapes, strawberries, apples and pears. Add some figs to the table for an interesting contrast in taste and visual appeal. Combining cheese with thin slices of onion can be an interesting eating experience.

    As a desert, cheese can be very elegant, or as a light course after the entree and before desert. When serving as an appetizer cheese should be coupled with a light dinner due to the filling nature of most cheeses.

    While some people believe that cheese must always be chilled, it really as more flavor when it is at room temperature. You do need to watch the cheese, however, especially if your party is going on for a long time. If the cheese gets too warm it will begin to sweat. Put your cheese out about 30 minutes before guests arrive and keep checking throughout the evening.

    Buying, Storing and Serving Gourmet Cheese
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 36"W x 24"H

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 36
    Click for larger image and other views

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 36"W x 24"H Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Sandwiches on Holiday Table - 36"W x 24"H Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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  • How To Throw A Wine and Cheese Party

    A wine and cheese party can be a great way to get together with friends or for a special bridal or wedding shower, birthday party or other celebration. It be easy to put together with a minimum of work even if you don't know much about wine or cheese! You can throw together a simple but elegant party without a lot of fuss and have an interesting theme to boot.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    You can setup your room in a couple different ways which really depends on how much room you have and the shape of your room or rooms. One way is to use a long buffet table against one wall with different sections. Another is to have several "stations" around the room by using little tables each with certain wines and their complimentary cheeses. You'll want to add some other foods too as man cannot live on wine and cheese alone!

    Cheese Tray Ideas


    A wine and cheese party should be somewhat elegant but not too gaudy. You could have simple white tablecloths with white candles. Perhaps decorating the table with grapes and grape leaves or something seasonal such as fall leaves if the party is in the fall or holly, pine boughs and ornaments if it's at the holidays. A summer party might be cute with light floral bouquets. Fruit - especially grapes go great with wine and cheese so you could have a 3 tiered centerpiece or large antique bowl filled with grapes and other fruit on the tables too. If you choose one large table a big centerpiece would be a nice focal point, you could even use and old architectural urn filled with ice and wine bottles or a large tiered platter with various tidbits on it.

    You'll want to have labels for each cheese that states the name and general flavor - you can expand on that by adding the origin and maybe some history if you feel ambitious. Each section of cheese could have it's own cutting board and cutter - A cute idea would be to use the cheese boards that are made out of flattened wine bottles to cut the cheese on.

    Glasses and Plates

    You'll want to make sure to use the right type of wine glass with each wine. Red wine should be poured into a round ball shaped glass and white wine is more fluted but not as narrow as a champagne flute. Keep a bunch of each type of glass out so your guests can be sure to have the right glass at all times. For dishes you could get wine themed plates or go with an eclectic mix of little antique plates. Make sure you have plenty of little plates around to encourage quests to try small samples of cheese with each wine.

    What To Serve

    A wine and cheese party needs more than just wine and cheese! You'll also want to provide lots of interesting breads and crackers. Maybe some caviar? And don't forget dessert - a cheesecake would be in keeping with the theme but any dessert will do! And finally, some coffee might be in order after all that wine and please make sure that no one drives after having too much wine.

    Of course, you'll want to make sure you serve the right wine with the right cheese and in fact complimentary wine and cheese pairings can produce interesting and unusual tastes. Half the fun of a wine and cheese party is experimenting for yourself to see what new combinations you can come up with, but heres some tips to start you off:

    Wine And Cheese Party Pairing Tips

    - Wines usually go well with cheese that is from the same country or region

    - An acidic cheese usually goes well with acidic wines

    - Roquefort goes well with Port

    - Camembert, Cheddar and Brie go well with Cabernet and Champagne

    - Cream Cheese and White Zinfandel make a nice pair

    - Mix muenster with Beaujolais

    - Colby and Gouda go good with Reisling

    - Pair provolone with Chardonnay

    How To Throw A Wine and Cheese Party
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Sandwich Appetizer and Finger Food Ideas

    Serving sandwich appetizers and finger foods is an easy, convenient way to present food at any gathering. Almost any sandwich can be made into a finger sandwich, but there are a few reliable standbys that most everyone enjoys. Making a large quantity of little sandwiches can be simplified with proper planning.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Finger rolls are often used at gatherings. They are larger than the average tea sandwich and can be stuffed ahead or placed whole in a basked or on a tray beside a meat and cheese platter for guests to assemble as they choose. Common fillings include ham and cheese, roast beef and cheese, turkey and cheese, or salads like egg salad, ham salad, chicken salad or tuna salad. Vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, onions and pickles can be placed on the sandwiches or laid out on a platter beside the sandwich tray. When young people are in attendance, some hosts also provide peanut butter and jelly sandwiches alongside the more adult choices.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Tea sandwiches are generally made with white or wheat bread and can contain the same ingredients as finger sandwiches. The edges are neatly cut off and the sandwiches are cut into fourths either diagonally to create triangles or crosswise to form squares. Using a two-inch cookie cutter on the bread can create sandwiches in fancy shapes like flowers or hearts. Another popular choice for tea sandwiches is the cucumber sandwich, which contains thinly sliced cucumbers and an herb spread of cream cheese, dill, garlic and chives.

    Other bread options are mini bagels, flour tortillas or lavash. Mini bagels should be piled high with meat and cheese or salads to ensure the flavor of the fillings are not overpowered by the thick, dense bread. Tortillas and lavash are rolled to encase the fillings and then cut into pieces about one to two inches wide. For gatherings around the holidays, spread cream cheese over the tortilla or lavash and then top it with a spoonful of whole berry cranberry sauce, slices of turkey, and a generous amount of stuffing to make flavorful seasonal starters.

    Setting food on the table is easier when appropriate preparations are made in advance. Mixing moist salads a day ahead and leaving them in the refrigerator overnight not only reduces the amount of work that needs to be done on the day of the event, but also allows the flavors time to marry. Spreading a thin layer of butter or cream cheese on both sides of the bread or rolls will keep absorption to a minimum, and as such will help to prevent soggy bread. Cutting vegetables ahead of time will also aid in the assembly or table layout process. With proper preparation and the right choices in sandwiches, the food at the gathering is sure to be a great success.

    Sandwich Appetizer and Finger Food Ideas
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Entertaining Tips - The Perfect Cheese Tray For Any Occassion

    Easy entertaining may seem impossible during the harried holiday season, but an elegant yet simple cocktail party allows you to host a festive gathering with minimal fuss. All you need are four to five hors d'oeuvres, one signature cocktail (try a festive ruby-red pomegranate martini) and a few bottles of wine.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Hors d'oeuvres may sound fancy, but they are just small bites that your guests can nibble on while holding a drink. To guarantee easy entertaining, consider two factors when planning the menu: 1) the hors d'oeuvres need to be hearty enough to satisfy my guests, and 2) most dishes should be delicious at room temperature so that you can spend my time mingling in the living room rather than fussing in the kitchen.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Cocktail parties are fun because your guests can sample a variety of foods so include vegan hors d'oeuvres such as Roasted Vegetable Skewers. Cut zucchini, squash and red bell peppers into chunks. Toss these in a baking sheet with olive oil, minced garlic, and rosemary. Roast the vegetables for 20 - 25 minutes until they are tender yet firm enough to hold their shape. Alternate the vegetable pieces on small wooden skewers, and lay them in a row on a long rectangular plate.

    How about your meat loving friends? Barbecue is the ultimate meat dish. However, instead of serving messy, sticky ribs try a twist on the classic. Spicy Meatballs elevate barbecue sauce out of your backyard and in to your living room.

    Hosting a holiday cocktail party can be a breeze with these easy entertaining ideas. And since you have more time to spend with your guests, they will not only remember the good food, but the good friends and laughter as well.

    Entertaining Tips - The Perfect Cheese Tray For Any Occassion
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Creating the Perfect Cheese Tray

    Creating the perfect cheese tray can be a daunting task for a new party hostess but with these tips, I think you will find it easier than you think. Plan to serve five to six cheeses, selecting distinctly different styles, flavors and textures.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    With an abundance of artisan crafted cheeses produced worldwide, you can focus on cheeses from a single country or region; select by mild, medium or strong flavors; or you can select from categories such as soft, firm, hard and blue.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Soft Cheeses: Brie, Camembert, Feta, Colby

    Semi-Soft Cheeses: Mozzarella, Havarti, Monterey Jack, Brick, Muenster

    Medium Cheeses: American

    Semi-Hard Cheeses: Cheddar (mild, medium and sharp), Provolone, Gouda, Jarlsberg, Colby Jack

    Hard Cheeses: Parmesan, Asiago, Romano, Gruyere

    Blue Cheeses: Stilton, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Maytag

    Cheese is best served at room temperature, which means it's a good idea to remove it from the refrigerator one hour before serving. Be sure to keep it covered to prevent it from drying out. Serve your cheese tray with tasty sides like crusty French bread and fresh fruits.

    Fresh Fruit Ideas: green grapes, red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, black berries and blueberries all make nice presentations on cheese trays.

    Additional Ideas: cherry tomatoes, green olives and black olives.

    Presentation: Choose an oval or round serving platter. Place a bed of fresh lettuce leaves down onto your platter and layer your cheese in sections on top. In between your cheese sections, add some small fresh fruit, cherry tomatoes or olives. You can also garnish the tray even further by using some fresh sprigs of mint or your favorite herbs.

    In the center of your cheese tray you can add a container of dip or salsa. I personally like adding Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce into a small dip container and placing it in the center of my cheese tray.

    You should have a different serving knife for each of the different cheeses on your cheese tray. You can put the cheese knifes on the tray or just lay them beside the tray, either way is acceptable.

    Cheese Quantities: You should plan to serve 2 ounces of cheese per party guest.

    The most important part of making a cheese tray is to offer a nice variety of cheeses.

    Creating the Perfect Cheese Tray
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Party Appetizer Ideas and Recipes Suitable For Diabetics

    Planning a party and looking for some appetizer ideas? Are you or some of your guests diabetic? Below is a list of appetizer ideas that are yummy for all and are perfect for the diabetics. If you serve any of these recipes, you won't have to worry about whether or not you are meeting the diabetics needs.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    For a good selection, we recommend the following appetizer menu. Of course you will need to adjust it to the number of guests you are expecting. You may only need one, then again, you may need them all.

    Cheese Tray Ideas

    A tray of assorted cheese cubes and purple and green grapes.

    Party Meatballs

    Meatballs: 1 lb ground beef
    1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
    1/2 cup bread crumbs
    2 eggs
    1/2 tsp garlic salt
    1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
    Freshly ground black pepper to taste

    Sauce: 1/4 cup butter
    1/4 cup sour cream
    1/4 cup A-1 sauce
    1/4 ketchup
    1tbsp Splenda brown sugar blend

    To make the sauce, combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan. Heat on low, stirring often, until Splenda dissolves. Allow to simmer on low while you make the meatballs.

    To make meatballs, in a medium mixing bowl combine all the ingredients and mix together well. Form into appetizer size meatballs. Spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray. Place meatballs, in a single layer, in heated skillet. Simmer on low heat until browned.

    Mix sauce with the meatballs and keep warm in a chafing dish or slow cooker.


    1 16-oz bag frozen broccoli pieces
    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    1 cup mild shredded cheese
    2 cups Pepperidge Farm stuffing
    4 eggs
    1/2 cup chopped onion
    1 cup melted butter
    1/2 tsp garlic salt
    1/4 tsp thyme

    Thaw broccoli slightly then break into pieces. Beat butter, eggs, and stuffing together with wooden spoon. Add remaining ingredients. Form into appetizer-size balls and place on cookie sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees.


    12-oz can refrigerated flaky biscuits
    6 slices bacon, cooked, drained and crumbled
    1 medium tomato, seeded and diced
    3/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
    1/2 cup mayonnaise
    1 tbsp fresh chopped basil
    3/4 tsp garlic salt
    1 tbsp fresh thyme
    3/4 tsp chopped fresh oregano

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Split each biscuit into 3 layers. Spray mini muffin pans lightly with non-stick cooking spray. Press biscuit rounds into the tins. Make only 24, not using the entire can of biscuits. In a medium mixing bowl, mix the remaining ingredients together. Fill each of the unbaked biscuit cups with the mixture. Bake for 10 to 14 minutes or until slightly golden around the edges.

    NOTE: Can be made ahead and frozen for later use. Bake, remove from pan, cool completely and freeze. Reheat from frozen state for 10-14 minutes at 350 degrees on a cookie baking sheet.


    1 pkg (8oz) fat-free cream cheese, softened
    4 oz pkg low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
    1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
    1 pkg pressed beef, cut into small pieces
    1/2 small sweet onion, finely chopped
    1 cup finely chopped pecans

    Soften cream cheese at room temperature. Mix cheddar into softened cream cheese and work well using hands. When mixed add Worcestershire sauce and chopped onion, mix into cheese mixture. Form into a ball and cover with beef and pecans. Chill before serving. Serve with party crackers.

    A tray of celery sticks with two different stuffings. On a tray or serving plate alternate celery sticks stuffed with peanut butter and with pimento cheese.

    Now you have a group of appetizers to please anyone, and plenty of options for any diabetics attending.

    Party on and ENJOY!

    Party Appetizer Ideas and Recipes Suitable For Diabetics
    Cheese Tray Ideas

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - 24
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    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - 24"W x 16"H - Seafood 2 Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - 24"W x 16"H - Seafood 2 Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - 24

  • Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Refining of Cantal PDO Cheese Tunnel (auvergne) - 60"W x 40"H

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Refining of Cantal PDO Cheese Tunnel (auvergne) - 60
    Click for larger image and other views

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Refining of Cantal PDO Cheese Tunnel (auvergne) - 60"W x 40"H Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Refining of Cantal PDO Cheese Tunnel (auvergne) - 60"W x 40"H Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

    Available In Stock.

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Refining of Cantal PDO Cheese Tunnel (auvergne) - 60
  • Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 18"W x 12"H

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 18
    Click for larger image and other views

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 18"W x 12"H Feature

    • ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you!
    • Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper.
    • No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required.
    • Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply.
    • BE SURE you ordered the right size for your intended use!

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 18"W x 12"H Overview

    WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
  • WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
  • Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
  • 'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
  • Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

    Available In Stock.

    Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Gourmet Dips Olives, Cheese and Crackers - 18